Internal diseases in family medicine No. 1 of the Tashkent Medical Academy and Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Preventive Medicine S.M. Shukurdzhanova, Faculty No. 1 and Professor...
Advertisement Tashkent Medical Academy Department of Internal Diseases in Family Medicine and fundamentals of Family Medicine No. 1 Associate Professor of the Department of Fundamentals of Preventive Medicine Shoalimova Z.M.,...
“Innovative technologies in digital medicine”
“Innovative technologies in digital medicine” a master class of an educational and methodological conference on the topic is being held Today, the development of the telemedicine system in our country...
An international scientific and practical conference was organized on the topic “Problems and prospects for the development of family medicine.”
Today, May 16, 2024, under the leadership of the Department of Internal Medicine and Fundamentals of Preventive Medicine in Family Medicine No. 1, an international scientific and practical conference dedicated...
An event dedicated to the topic “Fundamentals of Family Medicine” was held in the student dormitory.
The event dedicated to the topic “Fundamentals of Family Medicine” was held by employees of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 in the student dormitory of the Tashkent Medical...
About the defense of the dissertation of the Zakirova Muborakkhan, doctor of philosophy (PhD) in medical sciences
On the topic “Clinical-diagnostic significance of endogenous fibrinolysis factors in patients with ischemic heart disease”. Zokirova Muborakhon, 14.00.06 of “Cardiology” specialty, on the topic “Clinical-diagnostic significance of endogenous fibrinolysis factors...
About the defense of the dissertation of the Rajabova Rano, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)
On the topic “Differentiated non-invasive approach to increasing physical activity in patients with ischemic heart disease”. The defense of the thesis of Rajabova Rano on the topic “Differentiated non-invasive approach...
The internship of Professor Nurillayeva N.M. at Vilnius University and the University Clinic of Lithuania
About the internship of Professor Nurillayeva N.M. at Vilnius University and the University Clinic of Lithuania (October 9 – 16, 2023) The Faculty of Medicine was founded in 1781 and...
International scientific conference “Digital medical systems and technologies”
The possibilities of medicine are being actively used all over the world. Telemedicine, which does not require hospitalization, has begun to conduct remote examinations. This has helped poor people living...
International scientific and practical forum of therapists on the topic “Actual problems of internal medicine”
On September 20-21, 2023, the Republican Scientific and Practical Medical Center for Specialized Therapy and Medical Rehabilitation held an international scientific and practical forum of therapists on the topic “Actual...