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The department was created in 1920 y.
The founder of the department was prof. Cryukov Alexander Nikolayevich (1878-1952), who was the chairman from 1920 to 1931. He was a talented representative of Ostroumov’s Moscow school. Cryukov A.N., along with his students began to learn the problems of the area pathology. Brucellosis, pellagra, spru, visceral leishmaniasis, fascilosis, ulcerous colitis were first ever described. Among his students were such well known scientists and professors as: Kassirskiy I.A., Alekseyev G.A., Compantsev N.N., Cantserovich A.L., Molchanov S.A., Umidova Z.I., Oschanin S.V., Pavlova O.D., Askarov A.A., Ismoilov N.I., Atakhanov E.I.For the great efforts and contribution in development of the medical science in Uzbekistan Cryukov A.N. was given the honorable title of “well earned personality of science and technique of UzSSR”. And later he was elected as an Academician of science of UzSSR. |
The chairman of the department of hospital therapy, in the title of corresponding member of Science Academy of UzSSR and a veteran of sciences of UzSSR in the period from 1939 up to 1946 was Slonim M.I. (1875-1947). During these years the personnel of the department studied such diseases as visceral syphilis, ulcerous colitis, helminthic invasion, leishmaniasis, plurigladular insufficiency at enteritis, sublimate poisonings, blood produce at enteritis, functional diagnostics at liver diseases, climatic physiological and pathological aspects in the diseases of heart and circulatory system, thyroid gland, rheumatism.His students were such scientists as: Mirochnic M.F., Mancus T.G., Gasparyan I.G., Umidova Z.I., Pavlova O.N., Ismailov N.I., Busel G.Ya., Fyodorova P.I., Rozhkova M.S. |
From 1945, after the death of prof. Slonim M.I., the department was chaired by the veteran of sciences of UzSSR Mirochnik M.F. (1892-1945) for the short period of time.During this time the department personnel has been working on the problem of alimentary dystrophy and toxic hepatitis during the WW2. (Khodzhaev A.Kh., Katsenovich R.A., Mirochnic L.M., Palyants T.G., Umidova Z.I.). |
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From 1946 tо 1969 the department has been chaired by the first uzbek woman MD (Doctor of Medicine), corresponding member of Academy of Medical sciences of USSR, veteran of sciences and the member of International Therapist’s Association Umidova Zulfiya Ibragimova(1896-1980), who, in her own turn, continued the research of climatic physiological and pathological researches initiated by Cryukov A.N. and Slonim M.I. Those years the personnel of the department dedicated their research works to the study of Hypertension, rheumatoid heart defects, pulmonary and heart insufficiency (Khodzhaev A.Kh., Cantserovich R.A., Bakhadirov A.B., Yanbaeva Kh.I., ArifdjanovА.А., Inoyatova L.I., Makhsudhanov T.U., Dorosch L.A., Korolev G.P.,Shamirzaev A.Kh., Abdullaeva S.V., Saliev T.S., Mirzaev N.L.).The new methods of survey and treatment of patients were developed in this department.First time in Uzbekistan, along with Vakhidov V.V., the surgical treatment of heart defects was initiated. |
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From 1969 to 1971 the department has been chaired by the veteran of sciences of UzSSR Tursunkhodjaeva М.S.(1921-1976).Under her supervision the personnel of the department continued the scientific researches with the emphasis on gerontological aspects, heart and circulatory system pathology, study of vitamin balance and vitamin therapy (Shadmanov A.M., Khasanov A.Kh., Abdurakhmanov A.B.). |
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From 1971 to 1997 the department has been chaired by the veteran of the sciences of UzSSR, corresponding member of Academy of sciences, professor Catsenovich Rafail Alexsandrovich (1920-1997). The research of separated bitty topics by the department has stopped and the new scientific course on HID (Heart Ischemic Disease) was initiated. Many other departments of our institute were invited to study this topic alongside with our dept, (histology depat. with its biophysical research laboratory – academician Zufarov K.A.; biochemistry depat. – prof. Khodzhaev K.kh.; the pathological physiology depat. – prof. Abdullaev N.Kh.; the anatomy depat. – prof. Khudoyberdiev R.Kh.; surgery depat. – academician Vakhidov V.V.; the department of eye deceases – prof. Ilyina T.G.; the physiology depat. – prof. Talanina L.Kh. and others). 5 MDs, 3 docents, 16 assistants, 5 postgraduates and 10 masters were working in the department.Therewerethecoursesofendocrinology, hematology and the tropical deceases within the department. By the order of directive instants the Cardiological Institute of Scientific Researches (CISR) of UzSSR was established in 1976, which was united with our dept.4 doctoral, 10 candidate dissertations were approved under the supervision of professor, chairman of medical scientific communities, the author of more than 200 scientific works and the member of the board of directors of All union society of therapists Catsenovich R.A. |
Responsible for the cycle of Cardiology and the cardiology departments were Asst. KocherginaN.Z., docent Abdullaeva S.V., docent Dadabaeva N.A.,; for the Gastroenterology dept – docent Pashkovskaya A.V. and docent Makhmudov A.B.;for Pulmonology dept – docent Shamirzaev O.Kh. and docent Berdinger M.N.;for Rheumatology dept – docent Soliyev T.S. and docent KarimovaR.I.; for Nephrology dept –аsst. Lazarenko L.I., MD Zufarov A.K., asst. Sirotinskaya T.D.; for the Extra genital pathology – docent Irnazarov A.Kh., docent Ibragimova M.Sh. For many years the following fellow workers served in the department : Berdiyev U.G., Kozhinskiy V.M., Vakhidova G.V., Khudoybeerdieva M.F., Kasimova Z.I., Yuldasheva Kh.Y., Shailamova Sh.Sh., Gulyamova M.Sh., Shukurdzhanova S.M., Yarmukhamedova D., Chatskis M.F.,Kholmeeva Kh. I., Isakhanov G.I., Atakhanov L.E., Sultanova N.G., Khodzhanova T.R., Vozovikov I.N., Tsvetkov V.V., Magzumov Kh.B., Ashirmatov A.E. The members of CISR: MD Khashimov Kh.A., MD Mirzaev N.L., MD Kostko S.Z. were attracted to the pedagogical process.Manystudents, mastersandpost grads from India, Greece, Afghanistan, Pakistan and Bangladesh studied in our department. Since 1998 the department began to prepare GPs (General Practitioners). TheGPpreparationprogramhas been prepared well in advance under the supervision of prof. Catsenovich R.A., prof. Gadayev A.G., expert of international development bank prof. Khamdia Ramichwith active participation of docents Dadabaeva N.A. and Berdinger M.N.Besides the program, fundamental documents of GP preparation standards were created.Allpedagogicstaffwentthroughone month learningprocessin England and USA. |
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From 1997 to 2005 the GP preparation department of internal deceases with clinical allergology was chaired by Usmanov Rustam Inagamovich (1945-2015). The main scientific topic of the department is “Raise of efficiency of diagnostics and treatment of internal deceases, taking for an account the level and characteristics of pathological processes, which change the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodinamics of medicine and body interaction. Ways to correct the revealed damages”. (Cardiology, Pulmonology, Hepatology). Students of 6th and 7th year studied in this department. Prof. UsmanovR.I. istheauthorofmorethan 220 scientific articles, 8 innovations, 10 methodological works. Hehas 2 author’scertificates. Hasprepared 2 MDsand 15 PhDs (candidates). |
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From 2005 to 2008 prof. Berdiyev Umurzak Gandzhievich(1948-2009) has been filling for chair man of department. The main scientific topic of the department during this time was “Raise of efficiencyof diagnostics and treatment of internal deceases, taking for an account the level and characteristics of pathological processes, which change the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodinamics of medicine and body interaction. Waystocorrecttherevealeddamages”. Prof. BerdiyevU.G. publicized more than 130 scientificarticles, 1 monograph and 4 methodological works. |
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From 2008 to 2011 Abdullayev Saydullah Patkhullayevich (1956) chaired the department. Under his super vision students of 6thand 7thyear, masters and post grads studied here. Educational and methodic documentation was reviewed, completed and renewed in the department based on modern demands. Also new stands and 3 thematic classrooms were formed. For the first time ever the new and contemporary model of Rural Medical Station (RMS) was founded with the partnership of rector of Medical Academy, where the GP preparation classes of the department of general medicine are held. Prof. AbdullayevS.P. is the author of more than 100 scientific works, 2 innovations and 3 methodic researches. Has prepared 1 PhD.During the whole history of our department 8 MDsand 67 PhDs were prepared. |
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Since 2011 till today the GP preparation department of internal deceases with clinical allergology is chaired by Nurillaeva Nargiza Muhtarkhanovna. She continues active working on the preparation of GP s from the moment of establishment of this particular course. Being a young pecialist, she completed are search work and prepared the doctoral dissertation for the approvement, concerning the prophylactic aspects of HID in the conditions of primary chain of healthcare. For the first time in the Republic she revealed the hereditary predisposition to HID of Uzbek national population. Having passed the qualification raise on “Family Medicine” in Oklahoma, US (2006), she’s actively implementing the modern methods of undergraduate preparation of GPs. She pays great attention to prophylactics of internal deceases, which is so inevitable in the preparation of qualified GPs.
Under the supervision of Nurillaeva N.M. a few lections on vertical integration in GP preparation have been read. She is being an author of more than 65 scientific research works, including international articles and thesises, also 3 lection books, methodic recommendations published for GPs. She has 1 author’s certificate on the topic of her scientific work. She is an active participant of standing lectures and intellectual fairs of far foreign countries along with the Republic of Uzbekistan. From 2009 to 2011 she held the position of senior scientific worker of applied granted project IDSS-31.1 «Optimization of multifactor prophylactics of basic heart circulatory system deceases in the conditions of primary chain of health care”. Features of the training program of GP in the Republic of Uzbekistan are presented in the form of reports at republican conferences. In connection with the establishment of cooperation with the Siberian State Medical University in Tomsk, in 2015, for the teaching staff and student audience of SibSMU, a lecture was given on the theme: “Fundamentals of family medicine in Uzbekistan.” Also, the materials of this lecture were presented by the TMA rector for scientists of the highest medical educational audience of South Korea in Seoul on February 15, 2016. В связи с установлением сотрудничества с Сибирским Государственным Медицинским Университетом в Томске, вдекабре 2015 года для профессорско-преподавательского составаи студенческой аудитории СибГМУ была представлена лекция на тему: «Основы семейной медицины в Узбекистане». |
Today the Department has 26 staff members: head of the Department, 4 Docents, 4 senior lecturers, 17 assistants.
The degree of qualification of the Department is 40%, including doctors of science – 2, whose average age is 48 years, candidates of science – 8, average age 52 years. |