Аn integral lecture was held on the subject “Internal Diseases” on the topic: “Gerontology and general geriatrics. The problems of the elderly. Features of the course of internal diseases in the elderly. GPs tactics.
March 20, 2019 8.30. an integral lecture was held for students of 612, 123 groups of the medical faculty on the subject “Internal Diseases” on the topic: “Gerontology and general...
Visit of cardiologists from India to the department of internal diseases №1
On March 20, the directors of the Indian Institute of Cardiac Rhythms, interventional cardiologists Anand Ahuja and Nirav Bhalani arrived at the Department of Internal Medicine in 2019. At the...
March 20, 2019 at 8.30 a.m an integral lecturewill be held for students of 612, 123 groups of the medical faculty on the subject “Internal diseases” on the topic: Gerontology...
Assistant of the department S.I. Mavlyanov participated in the program of medical internship in the specialty “Cardiology”
Assistant of the department S.I. Mavlyanov, from 16.12 to 28.12.2018, participated in the program of medical internship in the specialty “Cardiology”, under the guidance of instructor – Professor A.L. Syrkina...
Meeting of the “School of Academician Kurbanov RD”
On December 18, 2018, the regular meeting of the “School of Academician Kurbanov RD” was held, which was attended by master students 1,2,3, courses of the Department of Internal Diseases...
The visit of the head of the department of cardiology and functional diagnostics of the Kharkov medical academy after graduate education, professor v. Tseluyko to the department of internal diseases № 1 TMA.
On 13-14 November 2018 year from the Head of the Department of Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics of the Kharkov Medical Academy after graduate education Professor Tseluyko V.I . were given...
AssistantB.T. Khalmukhamedov participated in the medical internship program in the specialty “Cardiology”in the clinic of ANSAN at the Medical Center of Koryo University, in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea.
From 19 August to 14 September 2018, Assistant B.T. Khalmukhamedov participated in the medical internship program in the specialty “Cardiology”, in the direction “Interventional Cardiology” under the guidance of instructor...
Аn open lecture will be held on the topic: “Pain in the chest”
On September 18, 2018 at the Department of Internal Diseases № 1 in the assembly hall of the model of RMP TMA an open lecture will be held on the...
Held “Perspects and objectives developing of Cardiology: from centre to periphery“ conference
Nowadays all parts of medicine are developing in the world. It is also observed in Uzbekistan especially Cardiology department. In Tashkent, Intercontinental hotel were spent international conferention, “Perspects and objectives...
Master of 1-course of our department participated in the 86th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS)
Master of 1-course of our department Rakhmonov Durbek, from May 5 to 8 participated in the 86th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS), in the city of Lisbon, Portugal....