Visited the Square of Memory and Honor – a monument dedicated to the fallen during the Great Patriotic War
Zubaydullaeva M.T. The curator of the 408 group of the medical faculty on May 4, 2018, together with the students visited the Square of Memory and Honor – a monument...
VII Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Innovations in Medicine
VII Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Innovations in Medicine: a View of Young Scientists” In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of...
Approbation of dissertational master’s works
On the basis of the order on the Master’s degree of March 19, 2015 from 01.04.2018 to 20.04.2018 were held at inter-cafeteria meetings approbation of dissertational master’s works of students...
“Days of Young Scientists” were in our department
On April 12, 2018, the Days of Young Scientists were held at the Tashkent Medical Academy. The participants of the conference were the students of the Department of Internal Diseases...
The concept of risk factors for major cardiovascular diseases
On April 2, 2018, according to the plan for practical assistance in the Parkent district of the Central Consultative Health Center, a lecture was given to the doctors of the...
Examination in Zangi ota region Khanabad in 15- rural family policlinic
In 15,03,2018 y. Associate head teacher of department Internal diseases 1 Shoalimova Z.M. and assistant Xasanova N.A. cjnducted an examination of patients with cardiovascular diseases in Zangi ota region Khanabad ...
Event dedicated to the day “Fight against AIDS”
December 1, 2017 employees of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 TMA held an event dedicated to the day “Fight against AIDS”. The event was attended by students and...
Republican conference of young scientists “Actual issues of medicine”
NOTIFICATION Council of young scientists of TMA is planning to hold traditional republican conference of young scientists dedicated to “Actual issues of medicine” with a further release of compilation of...
Welcome !!!
Welcome to the official website of the Department of Internal Diseases №1 of Tashkent Medical Academy.
The day of Independence and memory
At the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 for students of the 6th-7th courses, Master’s degree on September 2, 2017, a “Memory lesson” was held, dedicated to the memory of...