An event dedicated to the topic “Fundamentals of Family Medicine” was held in the student dormitory.
The event dedicated to the topic “Fundamentals of Family Medicine” was held by employees of the Department of Internal Medicine No. 1 in the student dormitory of the Tashkent Medical Academy No. 9. The event was opened by teacher Shoalimova Zulfiya Mirobidovna. Also reported were Khalmukhamedov B.T., Naritdinova N.B., Makhmudova M.S., Yarmukhamedova D.Z. Communication is a means of exchanging information that arises from the need for cooperation between people. A person has to communicate with other people in the process of his activities. In this way, people exchange information, inevitably influence each other, provide education, and exchange experiences. This is a necessary and important aspect of such activities. It is in the process of communication and only through it that the essence. the personality is revealed, mutual understanding is achieved, harmony in the performance of work, the ability to predict each other’s behavior in a given case or, conversely, conflicts and moral conflicts arise, disagreements at work, the inability to foresee the behavior of the individual entering into the dialogue becomes obvious. Dialogue or communication is one of the forms of mutual cooperation between people. Communication is a process of exchanging messages that expresses the result of people’s reflection of reality, and it is an integral part of their social existence, a means of forming and influencing their individual and social consciousness.
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