Category: Conferences
The conference on presentation of scientific research works and innovative researches of students of Student Scientific Society participants was held at the Department of Internal Medicine №1.
The conference was opened by the head of the department Nurillaeva N.M. Students reported on the results of their research. 1.Influence of red blood indices on the outcome of cardiovascular...
Международный вебинар. Тема: «Актуальные вопросы дислипидемии»
22 декабря 2020 года состоялся международный Вебинар под руководством кафедры Внутренних болезней №1 с участием: ФГБУ НМИЦ Кардиологии МЗ РФ, Москва, Россия; кафедры кардиологиия НАО «КазНМУ им. С.Д. Асфендиярова» Казахстан...
The Head of the Department of Internal Diseases №1 N.M. Nurillaeva took part in the conference in Azerbaijan.
In 2019 on the 10-11th December was held an international scientific and practical conference which dedicated to the topic “Somatic diseases and concomitant diseases” in Baku. The head of the...
Visit of a foreign specialist to the department of Internal Diseases No. 1
On 7-9 October in 2019, the head of the heart failure department of the State Institution “National Scientific Center“ Institute of Cardiology named after Academician N.D Strazhesko of the National...
Innovative approaches to diagnosis and treatment in medicine: a view of young scientists
2019, on April 18, a conference was held on the theme “Innovative approaches to diagnosis and treatment in medicine: a view of young scientists”. At the conference, in the section...
The visit of the head of the department of cardiology and functional diagnostics of the Kharkov medical academy after graduate education, professor v. Tseluyko to the department of internal diseases № 1 TMA.
On 13-14 November 2018 year from the Head of the Department of Cardiology and Functional Diagnostics of the Kharkov Medical Academy after graduate education Professor Tseluyko V.I . were given...
Held “Perspects and objectives developing of Cardiology: from centre to periphery“ conference
Nowadays all parts of medicine are developing in the world. It is also observed in Uzbekistan especially Cardiology department. In Tashkent, Intercontinental hotel were spent international conferention, “Perspects and objectives...
Master of 1-course of our department participated in the 86th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS)
Master of 1-course of our department Rakhmonov Durbek, from May 5 to 8 participated in the 86th Congress of the European Atherosclerosis Society (EAS), in the city of Lisbon, Portugal....
VII Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Innovations in Medicine
VII Scientific and Practical Conference of Young Scientists “Innovations in Medicine: a View of Young Scientists” In accordance with the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan of...
“Days of Young Scientists” were in our department
On April 12, 2018, the Days of Young Scientists were held at the Tashkent Medical Academy. The participants of the conference were the students of the Department of Internal Diseases...